Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

'tis the season for fresh starts & new beginnings!
It is a time spent with family, friends, the ones you love.
The season for me has been all of the above.

I've had a lot of time to sit back and think about the incredible things this last year has brought me. I've had so many opportunities to go out and accomplish many of my greatest life-long goals. It truly was a year filled with "Action" for me. I am grateful that I can look back now and say that I feel I have been successful with my theme for the year - which was "Just do it!" 

As I continue on into the new year I think I will feel a heightened level of accomplishment and an added desire to continue on with the patterns I set in the year 2011. I know now that I can do anything I set my mind to with the Lord at my side. I am so grateful for the wonderful people who have helped keep me going this year. Including Family, Friends, and those who double as blog readers.

One of my greatest accomplishments of 2011 was setting a goal to learn to live a healthier lifestyle which in return would help me to lose the weight that I have been holding onto for years. Today as I weighed in I smiled to myself as I looked down to read a weight that was 20 pounds lighter then when I began around 15 weeks ago. Here is a picture of the before and after. The Journey is 15 weeks in progress but is only the beginning of a life-long challenge to live healthy!

Now, as I said before, this season has been one of fresh starts and new beginnings for me.
One of the new beginnings being a new theme for the new year. This year, my focus will be on LOVE.

This year I want love, gratitute, and optimism to be big parts of my everyday life. I will try to love everything I am involved in. Doing so will bring greater happiness to my life. I will explain more later.
For now, I wish you all a happy new year! I hope that yours will be filled with happiness and that you will be able to love everything around you. I pray that we can all find joy in our journey this year.

Talk to you again soon!



  1. You are beautiful inside and out!

  2. Yeeeaaaahhhh girl!! You look hawt! Nice bum.

  3. Yay! I am so excited for you in aspects of losing weight and choosing to serve a mission. You are in such a great spot in life. Best of luck in both of those endeavors!

  4. Go Sydney!!! Keep it up girl, you look GREAT!
