Monday, June 21, 2010

spinny ride-mind

I have started this post about ten times now, I guess that is how my brain is working today. I feel as though I am on the spinny ride at the fair and my head just keeps turning round and around. Here and there being bashed against the seat as I am thrown around an unexpected turn.

I think I have seen better days.

Its not like I have legitimate reason to complain, my life is fine. I have the most wonderful parents in the world, I have a great family-with the exception of the times when the nine-year-old sweetheart turns into an angry animal and cusses like a sailor. Its as if some demon controls him when he is mad and it causes him to react completely irrationally.

I keep thinking about the saying, "he never said it would be easy... he only said it would be worth it."
and I believe that sometimes that is what keeps me going... the thought of something greater beyond this life. 

At times I have found myself wondering... why can't I just be perfect? Why can't I just DO the things that I know I should do and be perfectly consistent about it? But then, all at once I remember Satan's plan and I pray to the Lord and thank him for my agency.

You guys, we have the power to choose... and because of that, everyday we have the opportunity to discover, create and become the child of God our Heavenly Father intended us to be.

What more could we ask for...

Yours Truly

1 comment:

  1. Agency is a beautiful gift. But at times, I yearn just a little bit to not have so much responsibility. Or for my kids! Can't they just do everything right? Nope.
