Tuesday, April 19, 2011

at last.

Good Evening!
Today was such a lovely day.
I am moving back to Orem for the summer,
and am so thrilled to be back.

Yes, I love Salt Lake.
Yes, I will miss my friends in the city.
So why am I so excited?

Well now, there are a few reasons...

The most important one being
The time I get to spend with my family. 

Tonight was just the beginning of many amazing days to come.

Savvy had a dance recital.

the sisters.

Sav and the Cousins are beautiful.
{I thought the junior high days were supposed to be the ugly awkward phase?...}


Going to watch this darling boy play some high school baseball tomorrow.
"What matters most is what last the longest..." &  I am excited to be with this family forever.

love, syd

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