Friday, April 22, 2011

task #32: Take a friend rollerblading for their first time.

Subject: Charly Mae (a dear friend of mine)
I've always loved rollerblading.
I continue to use the K2 rollerblades that I begged my parents for when I was in 4th grade.

Enjoy a bit of our documented rollerfun.

{Only a few biffs... not so shabby!}

{Look at her go!}

Have some fun in the springtime sun!

Syd & Char

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Film that Snagged this Little Heart

I can't decide what I loved the most.
It easily could have been the innocence of the adolescent romance.

It could have been the memories that it sparked
And the pressing desire I had once again to
*climb trees,
*play with the cousins at the farm,
*get chased by roosters,
*play “Giligans Island,”
*paint beautiful pictures in the outdoors,
*make bird houses,
& recognize and appreciate my incredible family.

It also could have been the time period that I’ve always longed to live in.
Or even the Everly Brothers References that resulted 
in me blowing the dust off all my favorite old CD’s

I have no Idea what I loved the most
about the film that snagged this little heart.
All I know is that I loved it.

I also know that I have most definitely added another book to the book list:

Do something you used to love doing today!

Down to Business.

so as you know...
I am home.
which means that I am done with school.
for now. (phew...)

As you ALSO may know...
I'm way behind with my tasks for the year.
{probably about 2.73 months behind}
which means that I have some explaining to do.
right now.

Part I Explanation:

Part II Explanation:
As I cleaned out my desk in the student council office I found just a few of the "one-a-day" schedules and "to do lists" that I made this semester...
If these don't give you a glimpse of how pre-occupied I have been... 
Then I don't know what will.

Now... Enough of that.
Lets get down to business.

Yesterday, the Sister and I went to the paint store to get some ideas on colors for our room.

You know, 
The one that the two of us get to share with the bulky bunkbeds and the lovely bowflex?

Yep. Very Classy.

Let's just say that I am quite excited to make this one of my tasks soon.
that is - if we can ever decide on a color.
The sister wants me to decide (kind of),
and I want to pick something that she will love.

A few items of inspiration from KarenB on Elderberry Street:

Wish me luck!

{Lately, I'm obsessed with the grays.}

{The sister likes Reds}

I will probably do a warm gray color with a red secondary wall color (for the lovely darling).
Accents will be more natural colors:
Charcoal, Soft deep Purples, light steel blue, natural greens, and some red


We'll see if it all comes together in the room. 
Here are a few swatches that intrigued me.

Thoughts? Advice? Impressions?
Talk to me.

The lovely
Interior Designer (wanna be)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

at last.

Good Evening!
Today was such a lovely day.
I am moving back to Orem for the summer,
and am so thrilled to be back.

Yes, I love Salt Lake.
Yes, I will miss my friends in the city.
So why am I so excited?

Well now, there are a few reasons...

The most important one being
The time I get to spend with my family. 

Tonight was just the beginning of many amazing days to come.

Savvy had a dance recital.

the sisters.

Sav and the Cousins are beautiful.
{I thought the junior high days were supposed to be the ugly awkward phase?...}


Going to watch this darling boy play some high school baseball tomorrow.
"What matters most is what last the longest..." &  I am excited to be with this family forever.

love, syd

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


your lovely day turns cloudy,
and everything in the city feels a bit more dim.
You don't do well in job interviews,
or you let yourself get extremely stressed about your 
"to do's"

You even wish you are still at home,
and ten years old.
Back to the days when you could 
into moms lap and just cry.
...until you felt all better.
Because sometimes.
A mom is all you need.
for it's right then
and all at once that
you realize.

That behind your cloudy skies in Salt Lake City
...the sun is still shining
 And the very thought
can warm your heart.
and make you smile.
Because the sun never stops shining.
and neither can you.

Chin up pals!
The end of the semester too, shall pass.
Love, Syd

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Sister is HOME from the MISSION!

The sister is HOME from the MISSION!
...and she was greeted this morning with a foot of lovely snow.
Fortunately the sun came out as we enjoyed conference together.
(snow of which came right after we were led to believe that beautiful spring was here.)

This weekend I felt like a lucky darling.
...this is why.

Today I had the opportunity to spend the majority of my time surrounded by this amazing thing I like to call "My Family." The Tittle home is full now as the Sister has returned from the mission & as I have returned (for the weekend) from that great city called Salt Lake.
We huddled around the kitchen table in between sessions of our churches "General Conference" and ate the traditional meal
(which we all love so much)
(Don't judge... we used to live in Hawaii)

Needless to say, I have a beautiful sister who brings Christ-like love, unspeakable joy and an incredible peace to this Home. The woman is beautiful, has a heart of gold and the determination of no one I have ever met.

I am blessed to have the girl in my life.
She's one of my dearest friends.

When I move back home in a few weeks, she and I will have the opportunity to share a room again
(for the first time since we were no older than 10 and 7.)
This time will be a little bit different though.

-This time... I will sleep on the top bunk(which naturally gives me the right to sing her to sleep like she used to do for me.)
-This time we plan on reading and studying scriptures together and will actually have intelligent conversation that far outweighs the talks we used to have about Ninja Lessons in the night, scary black dogs chasing us on our way home from school, boys, etc.
 (I can actually neither confirm, nor deny the boy talk happenings that may or may not happen during nights in the future...)


Brighter than sunshine my life is right now.
The General Conference this weekend was incredible. 

It was just what I needed to hear.
This gospel is true.
It is SO TRUE my friends. 

In 9th Grade, I remember being seated in the middle of a group of friends who were not of my faith. I remember at the time feeling nervous that I would feel uncomfortable because the standards we believed in and the language we used were very different.
At the beginning, the bad language was pretty vulgar and many times I would lose concentration during class. Until finally one day I got up the courage to ask them please to stop. The days following the confrontation, I noticed the slow decline of the vulgar language. I felt more and more comfortable talking to my new friends and one day was able to share my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints with them.

"Is your church what makes you so happy all the time?"
one of the sweet girls asked me.
I was caught off guard. Never had I ever imagined an experience like this happening to me.
"Umm... YA!" 
I said in reply.

Before that day I never realized the impact this gospel has had in my life.
Before that day I never understood how happy the knowledge of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has made me.
It gives me purpose.
It gives me more self worth.
It gives me more potential then I could ever know.

Summary: The Sister is quite the lovely darling, conference was quite the Heaven-sent blessing & life and the gospel are quite the unspeakable joy.

Love, Me

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lovely Lovely Life Looks Like Lilacs!

Lovely days. Lovely life. Lovely sister. Lovely Friends. Lovely April Fools. Lovely TALL tales. Lovely Family. Lovely school. Lovely gospel. Lovely world. Lovely sunshine. Lovely picnic. Lovely Frankie. Lovely rolled down windows. Lovely everything.