Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Sunday Stroll

I walked home from church today and a stroke of brilliance hit me.
Like REALLY hard over the head or something.
So I walked past cute house after cute house, and I couldn't help but
dream about the day that would come when I would live in a house like that with a sweet, sweet husband.
As I walked, I also began to think more and more about my life. As I did so, my heart filled with gratitude as I thought about all the people who I love, for there are many. I thought of those who have left a lasting impression on me.
Many of these people have come and gone, and many more of these people I have failed to document their service. So starting today and continuing every day I will talk about someone that I love, someone who I look up to and care very much for. Because the way I see it is that I sit here day by day and talk to myself about myself. Not knowing if anyone is even listening anyways. This way I can reflect on others more instead of myself. I do believe that this is the way Heavenly Father would want it to be.

And that my friends was my stroke of genius.
Call me brilliant!

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