It was New Student Orientation at the LDS Business college, and because of my responsibilities on Student Council. I got to be there RIGHT at 7 am.
Lovely, right?
ANYWAYS... the reason why I am telling you this is because the night before, my phone died.
and I didn't know where my charger was.
SOOOO I was worrying all evening that I wasn't going to be able to wake up at six am to get ready.
So I prayed
and I prayed
and prayed a little bit more.
And guess what happened the next morning?
A miracle.
In the early morning I was suddenly awaken, and it was still dark outside.
Unaware of what time it was, I quietly crept down the stairs to avoid waking the sleeping girls that were sprawled out on the living room floor.
I rubbed my eyes and focused on the time the clock showed
I quietly made my way back up the stairs again and fell to my knees in prayer of thanks for the little miracle Heavenly Father had blessed me with.
On my way to the school I thought to myself how I could do something different today for my task.
And then it came to me.
I needed to go out of my comfort zone in some way today.
Task # 7: Talk to people you don't know. Go to them, don't make them come to you.
So this is what I did. And although I didn't get any photos to share with you today..I was excited to report that I fought through the awkwardness I felt, and walked up to several new students at lunch.
I think oftentimes I find myself shying away from opportunities to get to know and be friendly with people because I am insecure with myself. Sometimes I get so self conscience of being awkward that I miss out on chances to be friendly, kind, and all together Christ-like.
I am missing opportunities to grow.
It is because of this very fact that I chose this task today.
GO and DO.
Follow the impressions to talk to people.
Just DO it!
My life gets better and better every day, because I am choosing to ACT!
I am so grateful.
With Love,